What You Need To Know About Elon Musk’s Next Big Thing

Space Exploration

Opal A Roszell
6 min readDec 26, 2021
Photo by Visit Greenland from Pexels

Elon Musk

Elon Musk is no stranger to innovation, and the entrepreneur has been a part of the creation of many cutting-edge companies, including PayPal, Tesla, and SpaceX. In 2001, he founded SpaceX with the ultimate goal of colonizing Mars.

His vision for space exploration led him to study physics in college and later earned him a Ph.D. in economics from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania in 1995.

As a result, he’s had a hand in some incredible innovations in science and technology that have changed the world around us. However, it wasn’t until recently, when Elon Musk came out with his plans for an “Interplanetary Transport System” that people began buzzing about his future projects. Please find out how his next big thing will change humanity’s place on Earth.

Musk’s Education

Elon Musk’s first plan for Mars colonization began with two degrees in physics and economics. To understand why Musk was so interested in space exploration, it’s essential to know his background.

He loved reading sci-fi books by authors like Tolkein and Clarke as a child. He also has said that the Apollo moon landing was one of the formative events of…



Opal A Roszell

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