Member-only story
Human Error is Driving the Fourth Industrial Revolution
The Importance of Vehicle Inspections & Logbooks
Something that most millionaires do that you might not- never too late to start.
AI Technology
We are all aware of the divine advancements in technology that are launching a shift into future innovations. With things such as new hybrid vehicles or self-driving cars, maybe even Singapore’s design of the drone vehicle, we feel the global economic changes first hand. “Artificial Intelligence” (AI) Technology is creeping upon us. New clerk-less shopping outlets such as Amazon Stores are popping up in more and more locations. Shipping and manufacturing are changing rapidly. Now ask yourself this; what is accelerating this fourth industrial revolution?
Maybe self-driving cars will one day replace taxies and other services. AI tech is the next up-and-coming realm of innovation. Who or what is driving this movement? What if it is the everyday day person, like you or me? Without realizing it? Could countless human errors be the leading factor in the development of AI tech?
For those of you that are not familiar with AI, I have provided a link below to give you an idea of the direction that shopping may be evolving.