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Future of the Healthcare Business
Future with Better Healthcare Business for 2025
Future Healthcare Businesses
Healthcare is changing, and the professions that deliver it need to adapt and change too. This research aimed to inform the development of a workforce strategy for Dietetics for 2020–2030.
This included an understanding of the drivers for change, stakeholders' views, and recommendations to prepare the profession for the future. The research included three phases:
(i) establishing context, which included a literature document review (environmental scan);
(ii) discovering the professional issues using crowd-sourcing technology;
(iii) articulating appreciative inquiry.
The Changing Healthcare Environment
In the same way that the information environment (web 2.0) has given rise to the emergence of new social and business models and commercial models of health services delivery, the data revolution has led to significant changes in the data landscape.
The capabilities of the information systems and access to data at an individual level, and the ability to identify trends are very much at the cutting edge of medicine. From an HR…